Krasovsky, Konstantin2014-12-222014-12-222013 effect of excise tax hikes and economic recession in Ukraine resulted in reduction of tobacco product affordability by two-fold in 2009-2010. This caused the decline in smoking prevalence in all age, social and income groups. Tobacco excise tax hikes assist in smoking prevalence reduction, especially in young and poor people, but if the tax hikes are to be continued, they should be supported by effective and available smoking cessation programs and services. Smoking prevalence has declined mainly among young and poor people, while it has slightly increased in some groups: old women, old rural men and more affluent groups.Text1 digital file (9 p.)Application/pdfenSMOKING PREVALENCEUKRAINEAFFORDABILITYTAXATIONTOBACCO CONTROLSOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTHSOCIO-ECONOMIC INDICATORSPUBLIC HEALTHImpact of sharp changes of tobacco products affordability on smoking prevalence in various social and income groups in Ukraine in 2008-2012Journal Article (peer-reviewed)