Mahdi, Saiful2010-03-262010-03-262008 published in “Tsunami in a time of war: aid, activism & reconstruction in Sri Lanka and Aceh,” de Alwis, Malathi and Hedman, Eva-Lotta E., eds. (2009)Two communities in peri-urban Banda Aceh were observed during post-tsunami displacement, and upon return to their original villages. Social cohesiveness prior to disaster, leadership during the emergency period and afterwards, as well as interaction with outside intervention over programs and projects, were among the main factors shaping a new community in a “new” settlement. This paper shows how Acehnese use their social networks to cope with calamities in relation to the concept of gampöng: a spatial and cultural concept of community. Sense of community and interconnectedness among its members is the soul that makes a space a “place” to dwell in.Text1 digital file (34 p.)enCONFLICTSINTERNATIONAL AIDPOST-TSUNAMI RECONSTRUCTIONHUMAN RELATIONSCOMMUNITY PARTICIPATIONDISASTER PREPAREDNESSNATURAL DISASTERSEMERGENCY RELIEFECONOMIC RECONSTRUCTIONAID PROGRAMMESINDONESIA--ACEHFinding Gampöng : space, place, and resilience in post-tsunami AcehManuscript