Whalen, MarjorieSutton, Neil2007-11-132006-02-142007-11-132006http://hdl.handle.net/10625/27300This article (2006) announces the IRDC’s Open Archive project, which will provide a venue for researchers who may find it difficult to get their work published. These researchers live in what the IRDC deems “southern countries,” mostly in Africa, South America and parts of Asia. Some university scholars may be concerned with the copyright issues around open publishing, but most journals already contain a clause that allows for content to be published online in an archival context.1 digital fileenDATABASESRESEARCH NETWORKSIDRCINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYINFORMATION RETRIEVALARCHIVESLIBRARIESCANADASTRATEGIC PLANNINGCAPACITY BUILDINGPARTICIPATORY RESEARCHINTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONGLOBAL SOUTHRESEARCH DISSEMINATIONCanadian database to archive global research workMedia Article