Sokhoing, Ly2019-07-172019-07-172018 15b for final technical report : Scale up of homestead food production for improved household food security and nutrition in Cambodia - fish on farms phase 2 : family farms for the futureThree different Enhanced Homestead Food Production (EHFP) models (a mix of gardens, fish ponds, and poultry farms) were introduced to 232 villages in four Cambodian provinces. Cambodia annually imports approximately 100,000 tons of fresh vegetables worth roughly US$200 million. The one-page brochure provides a summary of results of the programme. By project end, 90% of households from the EHFP+fish intervention group cited their own production as the main source of vegetables for household consumption.application/pdfenFOOD PRODUCTIONFOOD SECURITYAQUACULTUREWOMEN IN AGRICULTURESMALLHOLDERSNUTRITIONBROCHURESCALING UPCAMBODIAFAR EAST ASIAAnnex 15b - global aquaculture workshop poster by Sok Hoing Ly : enhanced homestead food production model, including household pond aquaculture, contributes to improved production, food consumption and food security in CambodiaBrochure