Dowie, Gilliande Haan, Arjan2018-08-082018-08-082018 version available in IDRC Digital Library: Autonomisation économique des femmes et infrastructures publiques : exposé de politiqueFor public infrastructure projects, gender analysis is critical in design and implementation to ensure equitable outcomes. While infrastructure often falls into the category of ‘gender-blind’ policies, women’s access to jobs and the burden of unpaid care work at home depend on the availability of essential services. This Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) research report highlights the role of infrastructure in reducing the time burden of unpaid care, and improving access to opportunities through decent transportation and roads.application/pdfenINFRASTRUCTUREWOMEN'S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENTUNPAID WORKGENDER ROLESASIAWOMEN'S EMPLOYMENTGLOBAL SOUTHTRANSPORTATIONWomen’s economic empowerment and public infrastructure : policy briefPolicy Brief