Diarra, A.Da Silveira, S.K.Zorom, M.2015-05-192015-05-192015-05http://hdl.handle.net/10625/54173The IDRC-funded project “Irrigation and climate change in Burkina Faso: Research on institutional and community capacity building” tested two innovations towards resolving problems of climate change in the Sahel: supplementary irrigation, and climate information. Catch basins, built with low-cost, local materials improve food security and reduce the impact of dry spells on agricultural production. Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security acknowledged the effectiveness of supplementary irrigation and has implemented a national basin construction program. Next steps include training of technical agriculture officers in basin design, cultivation and irrigation techniques, and raising awareness about the technology.application/pdfenSAHELCLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATIONAGROPASTORAL SYSTEMSRUNOFF WATERIRRIGATION METHODSCATCH BASINBURKINA FASOAGRICULTURAL CREDITSOUTH OF SAHARAAPPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGYSupplementary irrigation and climate information : from research to strengthening adaptive capacity in the SahelPolicy Brief