IDRC2010-06-112010-06-112010 version available in IDRC Digital Library: Centre de recherches pour le développement international : le CRDI à 40 ans : un bref historiqueSpanish version available in IDRC Digital Library: Centro internacional de investigaciones para el desarrollo : 40 años del IDRC; una historia breveThis booklet traces IDRC’s history through the decades, from the earliest discussions of establishing a research centre focused on technology and development, to the Centre’s current work in more than 100 countries. Included are profiles of several IDRC projects that have made lasting changes in the lives of individuals and their communities: a 40% child mortality reduction in Tanzania; legal reforms to end Bolivia’s “water war;” employment equity for Argentinean women; and food security in the Philippines. The text also highlights IDRC-sponsored researchers who have achieved global distinction. “An Act to Establish the International Development Research Centre” passed Parliament unanimously in 1970.Text32 p. : ill.enIDRCHISTORYRESEARCH PROJECTSDEVELOPMENT PROJECTSINTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT THEORYDEVELOPING COUNTRIESRESEARCH CAPACITY BUILDINGCANADAGLOBALInternational Development Research Centre (IDRC) at 40 : a brief historyIDRC-Related Report