McDowell, Mark Andrew2010-09-172010-09-172009 government of Canada indirectly contributed over $25,000,000 to the Nargis cyclone relief effort through multilateral contributions and matching grants to international NGOs. The Tripartite Core Group and NGOs have emphasized the possibility of a "stages of developmentā€ transition, from relief to recovery to development. This report offers a menu of options for Canadian funders to engage in Burma within current government policy. It also offers points of entry in the event of possible policy changes which could allow Canada to respond to the humanitarian crisis and more actively assist the development of democratic forces.Text1 digital file (24 p. : ill.)enFOREIGN POLICYHUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCEAID EVALUATIONPOLICY INFLUENCEHUMAN RIGHTSBURMAMYANMARCANADAFAR EAST ASIADISASTERSDEMOCRATIZATIONImpact of humanitarian assistance on Burmese civil societyConsultant Report