Kaggwa, RonaldNabatanzi, RebeccaKavuma, Susan NamirembeBakiika, RobertBainomugisha, Arthur2023-05-232023-05-232023http://hdl.handle.net/10625/62010This paper analyses the climate friendliness of Uganda’s post-COVID-19 recovery strategy and, specifically, its alignment with the country’s targets in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The recovery strategy has the potential to provide effective climate change response and meet the NDCs. However, there are several gaps related to the marginalisation of climate action in the economic recovery resource-allocation process, the ability of macroeconomic recovery strategies to advance a genuinely green and resilient economy, and limited fiscal space to invest in a climate-sensitive recovery. The paper concludes with policy recommendations on encouraging a robust economic recovery through actions that champion Uganda’s NDC commitments.application/pdfenMACROECONOMIC POLICYNATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTIONSCOVID-19 RESPONSEUGANDASOUTH OF SAHARAUganda’s post-COVID recovery strategy & NDC implementationPolicy Brief