Ramelan, ViraZaveri, SonalRamirez, RicardoBrodhead, Dal2017-03-012017-03-012015-05http://hdl.handle.net/10625/56270Developing Evaluation and Communication Capacity in Information Society Research (DECI-2) offers mentoring in Research Communication to assist researchers in developing and implementing their communication strategies. The DECI-2 project is aimed at test-driving capacity development in both evaluation and communication. This brochure summarizes the programme objectives, including Research Communication Steps, examples of the mentoring programme, and how DECI-2 works in tandem with the Utilization Focused Evaluation (UFE) method.application/pdfenCAPACITY DEVELOPMENTUTILIZATION FOCUSED EVALUATIONRESEARCH COMMUNICATIONCOMMUNICATION STRATEGIESDECI-2MENTORSHIPRESEARCH CAPACITYPARTICIPATORY RESEARCHDECI-2 : Developing evaluation and communication capacity in information society researchBrochure