Angela M. Kuga Thas2011-08-252011-08-252011978-92-95096-02-8 Gender Evaluation for Rural ICT for Development guide reflects on questions and lessons learned by practitioners of the gender evaluation methodology (GEM). Less commonly addressed in ICTD projects are gender relations and power dynamics in rural communities that complicate how ICTs are controlled, and how access to these technologies is distributed. The guide outlines what is possible within existing resource constraints to identify workable solutions to challenges in rural ICTD projects, and to promote a "learning for change" culture. The guide complements the GEM manual, developed within the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) women's programme.Text1 digital file (164 p. : ill.)enINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYTELECOMMUNICATIONSICTGENDER ANALYSISWOMEN'S PARTICIPATIONEVALUATIONMETHODOLOGYGENDER ANALYSIS TOOLSDATA COLLECTIONRURAL COMMUNITIESICT4DACCESS TO INFORMATIONWOMEN’S EMPOWERMENTGLOBAL SOUTHGender evaluation for rural ICT for developmentBook