Brandão, Rita CorrêaArruda, BiancaPinheiro, Alan BrumLima, Joice de2021-04-072021-04-072020-10-28 objective was to strengthen and broaden citizen engagement of young women and men living in favelas, in terms of social exclusion and conditions of inequality and violence. Participants were included in planning and educational meetings as well as training sessions. A research methodology (“Citizenship Indicators System”) assessed the enforcement of rights by gathering data, information and analyses, always developed in dialogue with local active citizens. The project contributed to strengthening citizen activism initiatives and youth participation in the territory, in the city, and in politics.application/pdfenCIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTSYOUTH ENGAGEMENTADVOCACYSETTLEMENTSPOVERTYINFORMAL SETTLEMENTSYOUTH PARTICIPATIONCIVIC ENGAGEMENTRIO DE JANEIROBRAZILSOUTH AMERICAUrban youth 'in motion' : situations, challenges, and learnings about youth's citizen engagement in Rio de JaneiroFinal Technical Report