Dambisya, YoswaMalema, NancyDulo, CharlesMatinhure, SheillahKadama, PatrickKnight, V.2019-11-152019-11-152014-06978-0-7974-6044-7http://hdl.handle.net/10625/58292This synthesis report reviews work in relation to the World Health Organisation (WHO): Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel (2010). It addresses how policy interests of African countries have informed the Code, as well as how it has been used, implemented and monitored in countries in the eastern and southern Africa (ESA) region, particularly in relation to the concerns that motivated the Code. Respondents to the survey highlighted various barriers to Code implementation. Only one country in the region reported having a designated national authority to guide Code implementation and report on its progress.application/pdfenHEALTH PERSONNELGLOBAL HEALTHCODE OF PRACTICERECRUITMENTSTANDARDSHEALTH POLICYHEALTH EQUITYLEADERSHIPREGIONAL COOPERATIONBILATERAL RELATIONSHEALTH SYSTEMWHOSOUTH OF SAHARARegional network for equity in health in east and southern Africa : the engagement of east and southern African countries on the WHO code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel and its implementationSynthesis Report