Bastos Tigre, PauloLèbre La Rovere, RenataLima Teixeira, FranciscoAraújo, SilvioLópez, AndrésRamos, DanielaMaia Pinheiro, AlessandroBercovich, NestorFurtado Rodrigues, RicardoBotelho, Antonio2010-09-032010-09-032009 text in PortugueseThis project analyzes the dynamics of selected software clusters in two South American countries focusing on institutional aspects of software and information services (SIS) clusters and their impacts on local economic development. The driving forces behind SIS multinationals’ locational decisions; network effects among large and small firms, universities and research centers; and local SIS industry development perspectives are examined. The research is based on case studies, developed by four research teams in Córdoba and Rosario (Argentina), Blumenau, Hortolândia, Porto Alegre, Petropolis, Recife and Salvador (Brazil). Some text is in Portuguese. A book is forthcoming to present the project results.Text1 digital file (48 p.)enSOUTH AMERICANETWORKSSOFTWAREOUTSOURCINGFOREIGN INVESTMENTTECHNOLOGY TRANSFERTRADE OPPORTUNITIESICT SECTORARGENTINABRAZILINFORMATION SOCIETYFinal report of Challenges and Opportunities for the Software and Information Services in Brazil and Argentina : a study of clusters; anexo IIInforme narrativo final Programa de Investigación sobre Economía del Conocimiento en América Latina y El CaribeDesafios e Oportunidades para a Indústria de Software e Serviços no Brasil e na ArgentinaIDRC Final Report