Trujillo Bravo, Selin2015-02-062015-02-062014-05Trujillo Bravo, S. (2014). Opportunities and challenges for Artisanal Fisheries in the Bolivian Amazon. In McConney, P. (Ed.) Provisional title: Stakeholder Perspectives on Conservation and Stewardship in Small-Scale Fisheries. Working Group 4 E-book. Too Big to Ignore Global Partnership for Small Scale Fisheries. In press.Research Outputs - 4.3.7 text in English and SpanishA short, local stakeholder perspective on the development of the Federation of Fishers, Indigenous Fishers, Fish sellers and Aquaculturists of Bolivia’s North Amazon, including perspectives on main opportunities and threats to development in the sector, as well as the influence of the introduced paiche (Arapaima aff. gigas)Text1 digital file (7 p.)Application/pdfenLOCAL STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVESARTISANAL FISHERIESBOLIVIAN AMAZONSTEWARDSHIPPAICHE (ARAPAIMA GIGAS)REGION AMAZONICASEGURIDAD ALIMENTARIAACUICULTURAPESQUERIASPUEBLOS INDIGENASOpportunities and challenges for artisanal fisheries in the Bolivian AmazonFishing in Bolivia's Northern Amazon, history, problems and perspectivesOportunidades y desafíos para la pesca artesanal en la Amazonia bolivianaPesca en el Norte amazónico de Bolivia, historia, problemas y perspectivaBook Chapter