Fan, ShenggenPandya-Lorch, Rajul2012-03-132012-03-132012978-0-89629-673-2 book identifies and details knowledge gaps, fosters new thinking, and proposes concrete actions on leveraging agriculture for improving nutrition and health, moving beyond Millennium Development Goals. The food system includes not only agriculture but also natural resources and inputs; transport, storage, and exchange; secondary production; and consumption. Each of these food system activities can interact with health and nutrition. Strengthening the policy and programmatic links between agriculture, health and nutrition requires a means of seeing how their myriad links fit together. Organizational and sectoral barriers within government need integration particularly in relation to the public agriculture sector.Text1 digital file (230 p. : ill.)enFOOD SUPPLYNUTRITION POLICYFOOD SECURITYPUBLIC HEALTHNUTRITIONAGRICULTURAL INTERVENTIONSFOOD POLICYFOOD WEBSAGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENTECONOMIC GROWTHGLOBALFOOD ECONOMICSHEALTH SYSTEMINDIAFAR EAST ASIASOUTH OF SAHARAVALUE CHAINSReshaping agriculture for nutrition and health : an IFPRI 2020 bookBook