CONSUMER PROTECTIONMukosa, David2010-07-122010-07-122010 phase of the research determined how much consumers know about their rights in ICT usage, what type of ICT services they consume, what type of procedures are available to them for escalating their complaints, and what recommendations consumers have for various stake holders in the ICT industry. Most African consumers have been unaware of their rights in relation to quality of service and pricing. Previous research clearly indicates the need for ICT sector regulators to focus on the needs of consumers. The findings in this report support the role of regulators in protecting consumer rights in Zambia.Text1 digital file (53 p. : ill.)enCONSUMER PROTECTIONZAMBIAICT POLICYICT SECTORQUALITATIVE RESEARCHTERMS OF TRADEPRICINGMOBILE PHONESTELECOM REGULATIONSREGULATORY REFORMSOUTH OF SAHARAQualitative research for Zambia : empowering regulators to protect consumer rights in the ICT sectorIDRC-Related Report