Al Hakimi, AminAl Quabati, AdnanAl Hagami, AdelSaed, Sadeq SharafOthman, Mokhtar Dael2010-09-222010-09-222008 text in ArabicThe table of contents for this item can be shared with the requester. The requester may then choose one chapter, up to 10% of the item, as per the Fair Dealing provision of the Canadian Copyright ActThe project establishes linkages between indigenous knowledge (IK), traditional food production systems and natural resources (NR) management that contribute to mitigated health risks and sustained agro-ecosystems in highland communities. Increasing reliance on lower quality food imports and promotion of irrigation, chemical inputs and new crop varieties, affect rural livelihoods especially in the rain-fed highland regions of the country, home to the poorest communities in Yemen; whereas, the traditional food system contributes to a good diet, and thus to preventing community health problems while at the same time preserving the environment.Text1 digital file (102 p. : ill.)enFOOD SECURITYHEALTHDIETAGRICULTURAL TRANSFORMATIONLOCAL FOOD SYSTEMSHIGHLANDSFOOD WEBSNUTRITIONTRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGEFOOD PRODUCTIONHealth and dietary diversity in Yemen : traditional Yemeni rural diets and local food systems : enhancing contributions to health and the environmentIDRC Final Report