Mugisha, AnthonyKyewalabye, ElizabethTukahirwa, LillianKabahango, PatriciaKusiimakwe, DeanBikaako, WinnieYawe, AgnesMugabi, Kenneth2022-03-112022-03-112020-06 project provided a baseline assessment of barriers and opportunities to women’s participation and benefits in the livestock vaccine value chain in Sembabule (Uganda). This policy brief reports on the project structure, details of the study, and results in terms of next steps and recommendations. Women are household major contributors in the agricultural economy but face various constraints that limit them from achieving optimal livestock production and agricultural development. Small livestock such as goats, sheep and poultry are especially important for women. However, the value chains that women are working within, such as in informal trading, processing or service provision, are often given low value.application/pdfenGENDER ANALYSISVALUE CHAINSWOMEN’S PARTICIPATIONVACCINATIONANIMAL HUSBANDRYLIVESTOCKWOMEN IN AGRICULTUREGENDER DISCRIMINATIONLIVELIHOODSFOOD SECURITYUGANDASOUTH OF SAHARASheVax+ : hearing their voices : action research to support women’s agency and empowerment in livestock vaccine distribution, delivery and use in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya - a gender analysis and baseline assessment report for UgandaPolicy Brief