Berthilson, LouiseEscudero Pascual, AlbertoOkello, DorothyMugume, EdwinBenjamin, Martin2010-03-102010-03-102009 book describes experiences of building community wireless networks in Uganda and Nigeria. The aim was to make connectivity more affordable for existing telecentres by implementing a communications infrastructure that is shared and managed by the community. This general concept known as a “Community Wireless Network” is based on the possibility for groups or communities to build self-owned and operated internet networks. The obstacles for building a wireless ICT4D network are examined closely and the lessons-learned from finding solutions, both macro and micro contribute to building shared connectivity in Africa.Text1 digital file (110 p. : ill.)enACCESS TO INFORMATIONINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYINTERNETCOMMUNICATION INFRASTRUCTUREWIRELESS TECHNOLOGYNETWORKSCOMMUNITY PARTICIPATIONUGANDANIGERIATELECENTRESELECTRICITYLOCAL PLANNINGSOUTH OF SAHARAInternet in Africa? : (A)bort, (R)etry, (F)ail; a compilation of three years experience working with community wireless networks in AfricaBook