Genesis Analytics2018-08-082018-08-082018“Fintech” is broadly defined as technology-driven financial innovation. Despite high rates of female entrepreneurship in Africa, women face significant barriers to accessing and using financial services– including formal and regulatory exclusion, lack of access to capital, and persistent social norms that limit autonomy. This paper considers the gender dimension of financial inclusion, and the impact of fintech solutions on women. It begins with evidence on gains associated with these solutions, and how they are distributed by gender. It then presents a framework for thinking about the gender dimensions of fintech, and suggests avenues for further research and engagement.application/pdfenWOMEN'S ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENTWOMEN'S ENTREPRENEURSHIPFINANCIAL INCLUSIONAFRICABANKING SYSTEMSSOUTH OF SAHARAGENDER MAINSTREAMINGMICROFINANCEMOBILE PHONESExploring fintech solutions for womenScoping Study