Mapfumo, PaulChikowo, RegisMtambanengwe, Florence2011-05-102011-05-102010 project worked with smallholder farming communities to identify opportunities for enhancing the capacity of different households to meet their staple food requirements and livelihood options in the wake of climate change and variability. The project supported smallholder farmers in identifying and using appropriate integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) innovations and other improved farming technologies to enhance the capacity of participating institutions and individual researchers to conduct and manage research and development at various levels. Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) and livelihoods were used as entry points. Detailed accounts of project activities in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Mali, and Ghana are provided.enCLIMATE CHANGEAFRICAN SMALLHOLDER FARMINGLOCAL COMMUNITIESADAPTIVE CAPACITYCLIMATE VARIABILITYCLIMATE CHANGE EDUCATIONZIMBABWESMALLHOLDERSLack of resilience in African smallholder farming : exploring measures to enhance the adaptive capacity of local communities to pressure climate change : final technical report - Zimbabwe (October 2010)Final Technical Report