Mariano, DanicarKintanar, Niel SteveMendoza, ElaissaCasal de Vela, TesaOfreneo, Mira Alexis Guzman, Judith M.2010-09-142010-09-142007 is the most effective form of communication across all countries in the study except Thailand. The reasons for its success appear to be fairly consistent across most countries: Ability to reach rural areas; Linguistic flexibility (multiple languages); Ability to overcome illiteracy among the population; Low costs. This book chapter identifies factors affecting access, control, and gender participation in information and communication technologies (ICT). Annex documents show lists and frequency in breakdown of the least effective communication tools per country. New ICTs are still considered to be the least effective communication tools.1 digital file (p. 481-573)enINFORMATION TECHNOLOGYWOMEN'S PARTICIPATIONINFORMATION SOCIETYWOMEN'S STATUSACCESS TO ICTINNOVATION ADOPTIONDEVELOPMENT PLANNINGICT4DWOMEN’S EMPOWERMENTRADIOINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT)FAR EAST ASIAPeople's communications for development (PC4D) : how intermediary groups use communication tools for grassroots women's empowerment; comparisons, conclusions, and recommendationsBook Chapter