Szabo, SueMcGurk, Stephen J.2015-07-292015-07-292015-05 version available in IDRC Digital Library: Réponse de la direction aux examens externes des programmes de la Politique sociale et économique intitulés Gouvernance, sécurité et justice et Croissance pour tousManagement acknowledges the reviewers’ findings that contributions to knowledge from both programs are more evident at the local or regional level, and appreciate that the reviewers articulate the trade-offs between generating knowledge, and policy influence that is locally-grounded but also has global relevance and impact. Management is encouraged that critical masses of findings are emerging on a number of themes, which in turn are generating greater visibility; both reviews address the question of value-for-money, and acknowledge that this presents a significant challenge given the absence of international benchmarks, as well as the varied nature of outcomes sought by the programs.Text1 digital file (3 p.)Application/pdfenPROGRAMME MANAGEMENTPROGRAMME EVALUATIONACCOUNTABILITYRESEARCH PROGRAMMESPROJECT IMPLEMENTATIONPROJECT MONITORINGPOLICY INFLUENCERESEARCH QUALITYRESEARCH CAPACITYRESEARCH RESULTSGENDER MAINSTREAMINGManagement response to the external reviews of the Social and Economic Policy programs on Governance, Security and Justice, and Supporting Inclusive GrowthPolicy Brief