Bop, CodouTruong, Thanh-Dam2014-03-032014-03-0320132214-1316 the case of the seasonal migration of blind beggars from Mali to Senegal, due to cultural relativism, the Malian girls engaged as guides for the blind do not necessarily fit prevailing social constructions of ‘children’ and ‘gender’ upon which current migration and human trafficking agreements in the region are based. The research proposes recommendations to better align the experiences and needs of these female migrants with the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Organization of African Unity’s African Charter on the Rights and Well Being of the Child, as well as the Protocol on Human Trafficking.Text1 digital file (8 p.)Application/pdfenSEASONAL MIGRATIONMALISENEGALVULNERABLE GROUPSWOMEN'S RIGHTSCHILDREN'S RIGHTSHUMAN TRAFFICKINGSOUTH OF SAHARATrajectories and experiences of Malian girl and young women guides to blind beggars in SenegalPolicy Brief