González Novo, MarioMerzthal, Gunther2007-11-132007-07-312007-11-132002http://hdl.handle.net/10625/32370The world population is urbanising rapidly, with urban poverty growing apace, particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean. Food and fuel already absorb a large share of the urban poor household incomes, and household food insecurity has been worsening in recent years in the region. Several factors affect the quality, availability and affordability Of food and micronutrient provisioning to city populations. The urban poor have diversified their food procurement strategies and urban food production has resurged since the 1970s, with several community and municipal initiatives reported recently throughout the Region. Several international organizations have come together in the mid 1990s to support a more coherent and effective inclusion of such initiatives into local development strategies. The purpose of the project is to promote urban agriculture in Latin American and the Caribbean by strengthening the Aguila Network and its members through actions supporting the exchange of information and experience, the instititutional strengthening of the AGUILA network and by making an impact on the decision making processes of authorities and local governments concerning the elaboration of urban policies and guidelines in such a way that these promote urban agriculture.Text1 digital file (81 p. : ill.)Application/pdfenRESEARCH NETWORKSURBAN AGRICULTURELOCAL GOVERNMENTURBAN PLANNINGURBAN POLICYPOLICY MAKINGLATIN AMERICACARIBBEANUrban agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean by strengthening AGUILA network : technical progress report, Mar. - Aug. 2002Working Paper