IDRCBurton, I.Maystre, Y.Idelovitch, E.2007-11-121973-04-012007-11-121973IDRC-doc-039 personnel. Monograph on an IDRC development project on the evaluation of technology and research priorities for water supply and sanitation in developing countrys, with special reference to rural areas and small communities - discusses appropriate technology, water sources (e.g., groundwater), water pumping, water treatment, water storage, water distribution, and waste disposal. Statistical data.Text141 p. : ill.enIDRCDEVELOPMENT PROJECTSEVALUATIONTECHNOLOGYRESEARCHWATER SUPPLYSANITATIONDEVELOPING COUNTRIESRURAL AREASCOMMUNITIESGROUNDWATERPUMPSWATER TREATMENTWATER STORAGEWATER DISTRIBUTIONWASTE DISPOSALSTATISTICAL DATAAPPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGYTechnology assessment and research priorities for water supply and sanitation in developing countries (with special reference to rural populations and small communities)IDRC-Related Report