Anderson, IoneTiessen, HolmPichs-Madruga, RamónVarady, Robert G.Castellanos, Edwin2010-06-242010-06-2420091563-3225 text in English and SpanishThis issue of the Newsletter focuses on climate change and how it affects research and policy-making. As the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) prepare for negotiations in Copenhagen, IAI contributors share their work and thoughts about how research informs decision-making and policy. Ramón Pichs-Madruga, a member of the IAI's scientific advisory committee and co-chair of IPCC’s Working Group describes the importance of regional, sub-regional and local knowledge to be adequately reflected in IPCC research findings. Other articles explore the economic, social and environmental impacts of global change. (Parallel text in English and Spanish).Text1 digital file (31 p. : ill.)enCLIMATE CHANGECARBON DIOXIDEADAPTATION TO CHANGERURAL DEVELOPMENTLAND USEUSO DE LA TIERRADESARROLLO RURALCAMBIO CLIMATICOADAPTACION AL CAMBIODIOXIDO DE CARBONORESEARCH TO POLICYSCIENTIFIC RESEARCHLATIN AMERICAIPCCINTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGERESEARCH NEEDSGLOBALInter-American Institute (IAI) newsletter, issue 1, 2009Bulletin or Newsletter