MacLaren Chorney, JillMcGrath, PatrickFinley, G Allen2012-07-052012-07-052010-04MacLaren Chorney, J., McGrath, P., & Finley, G. A. (2010). Pain as the neglected adverse event. Salon: CMAJ, 182 (7), 732. doi:10.1503/cmaj.100022 article advocates for eliminating medically caused pain as a goal for health systems. Treating excessive pain as an adverse event would ensure that best practices are followed, and obstacles to adequate pain management are identified and addressed. Best practice standards have been developed, such as those by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Acute Pain Management, the Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists in the United Kingdom, the Canadian Paediatric Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics and others. Classifying pain as an adverse event would place accountability for management at a systemic rather than at an individual level.1 digital file (p. 732 : ill.)application/pdfenPAIN MANAGEMENTHEALTH SYSTEMSPAINHEALTH CARE DELIVERYANAESTHETICPEDIATRICSGLOBAL HEALTHGLOBALPain as the neglected adverse eventJournal Article