Cross-cutting themes / Axes transversaux

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    CARIAA staged evaluation second thematic review - application of hotspot approach final report
    (CARIAA / Adaptive resource management ltd., 2017-06)
    There were three main challenges identified by respondents with the hotspot approach. The greatest of these was the transaction costs associated with cross-­‐regional collaboration. The second challenge related to managing the very real differences among the various countries and regions (social, cultural, scientific, biogeophysical and others), and the third was in linking results to policy across the different regions in one hotspot, due once again to the differing social, economic, legal and cultural environments of policy-­makers and the different development stages of the diverse countries included in a hotspot.
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    CARIAA staged evaluation third thematic review - regional and global entry points for emerging research results
    (CARIAA / Adaptive resource management ltd., 2017-10)
    The third Thematic Review in CARIAA’s Staged Evaluation reports on the potential organizations and policy entry points at a regional or global scale for the types of research results emerging from CARIAA work. Its overall aim is to identify potential policy windows and international organizations that could offer entry points for emerging lessons from CARIAA research. Unlike the other two reviews, which focused on learning from the experience of the research consortia themselves, this review has primarily an external focus, on organizations and policy windows at the regional and global scale. The evaluation team attended ALR3 to gain an appreciation of emerging results, and to brainstorm potential organizations and contacts with consortium members, and then combined interviews with independent experts and desk research to complete our review.
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    Mid-term evaluation of gender and social inclusion in the collaborative adaptation research initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) consortia
    (2017-03) Gonda, Noémi
    The aim of this mid-term evaluation on gender and equity is to assess progress towards the integration of gender and social inclusion related aspects in CARIAA’s activities and provide recommendations for the remaining program period. The scope of this assessment was proposed by CARIAA and consisted of reviewing 15 peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed papers. In addition, 19 interviews were held with key program members to understand the work of the consortia and how gender and social inclusion concerns are being addressed in the papers as well as in the research design and research process underpinning them. This evaluation is essentially focussed on the research side (outputs and process) rather than how research is put into use through stakeholder engagement.
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    Gender and climate change Synthesis of IDRC's support to climate change research
    (IDRC, 2018-07) Nordehn, Caitlin; Rubin, Deborah
    This synthesis report looks back as well as forward to highlight lessons learned and best practices for integrating attention to gender issues in IDRC’s climate change research and recommends options for strengthening the integration of gender issues in future research investments. The application of these recommendations for designing and implementing projects that lead to more gender equitable outcomes will also contribute to the realization of larger program objectives to strengthen women’s and men’s resilience. The report recommendations can also be used to clarify the programmatic gender integration strategies, and alignment with IDRC’s strategies and Government of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP), including Action Area 4 on Environment and Climate Action.
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    Adaptation in small and medium-sized cities : innovation, challenges and opportunities Synthesis of IDRC's support to climate change research
    (IDRC, 2018-07) Espinoza, Consuelo; Pacha, Marie Jose
    The Climate Change Program (CCP) of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) commissioned ConClima to analyze and synthesize a portfolio of 36 projects funded between 2006 and 2018 that focused on small and medium-sized cities from 40 countries in the Global South. The overall objective was to carry out a knowledge synthesis exercise on climate change adaptation.
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    Migration in climate hot spots in South Asia : diversity in patterns and approaches - final technical report
    (2019-01) Maharjan, Amina
    There is limited data and understanding on various patterns of migration (internal/international, seasonal/temporary/permanent, selected household member/whole household) in climate change “hot spots” in the South Asian region. Any additional data/information in this theme would be helpful to better understand this under-researched topic. As all the four consortia are undertaking household surveys to better understand the migration situation and its linkage with climate change adaptation, it provides an excellent opportunity to consolidate findings at scale.
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    Expériences des pays en développement : des voix fortes pour améliorer le discours global sur le climat
    (Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI), 2018-12) Programme des changements climatiques
    Des actions concertées à l’échelle mondiale sont essentielles pour freiner les changements climatiques et s’adapter à leurs effets. Sous l’égide de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC), les négociations multilatérales sur le climat sont devenues un processus complexe et crucial où les pays décident de la marche à suivre pour relever les enjeux liés aux changements climatiques au niveau global.
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    Experiences from the developing world : voices to enhance global climate discourse
    (International Development Research Centre, 2018-12) Climatic Change Program
    Concerted global actions are key to curbing climate change and adapting to its effects. Under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), multilateral climate negotiations have emerged as complex and crucial processes where countries decide the global course for action to address climate change issues.
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    Équité sociale pour une action efficace contre les changements climatiques
    (Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI), 2018-12) Programme des changements climatiques
    Le genre, l'ethnicité, le statut socio-économique et l'âge sont quelques-unes des variables clés qui influencent la manière dont les individus font face aux changements climatiques et s'adaptent à leurs impacts.
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    Social equity for effective climate action
    (International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2018-12) Climatic Change Program
    Although climate change affects everyone, it has a greater impact on women, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, the poor and youth, even though they con-tribute the least to the phenomenon of climate change (e.g. in terms of emissions of greenhouse gases). Achieving social equity not only leads to increased effectiveness and efficiency of funding and scaling ac-tions; it is also a question of social justice.
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    Collaborative adaptation research initiative in Africa and Asia : summative evaluation
    (2018-10) Lafontaine, Alain; Volonté, Claudio; Pionetti, Carine; Moreno, Cecilia; Gonzales, Margarita
    Between 2014 and 2018, the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) delivered over 600 research outputs, ranging from data products to blog posts and conference papers, including 62 papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Applying the Research Quality Plus (RQ+) evaluation method to selected themes, the evaluation report concludes that the overall RQ+ rating for CARIAA is very good. The dimensions were assessed from Good on “Legitimacy and Positioning for use” to Very Good on “Integrity and Importance/relevance.” CARIAA has contributed to development of over 20 local and or national plans and strategies, and to evidence-based policies in 11 countries.
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    IRCAAA Réchauffement de + 1.5° C
    (2018-09) IRCAAA Initiative de recherche concertée
    Une augmentation moyenne des températures mondiales de 1,5°C par rapport aux niveaux préindustriels est attendue au cours de la prochaine décennie, les températures dans les montagnes himalayennes et les zones semi-arides africaines devant dépasser ce seuil mondial. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour la populat ion mondiale et les écosystèmes en péril ?
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    CARIAA Novel Insights: 1.5°C warming
    (2018-09) CARIAA
    An increase in global temperatures by an average of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels is fast approaching within the next decade, with temperatures in the Himalayan Mountains and the African semi-arid lands projected to increase more than this global threshold. What does this mean for the global population, and the ecosystems at risk?
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    Building programme synergies on climate and development : London dialogue; event report
    (Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA), IDRC, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2015-04) IDRC. Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA)
    Coordination across climate change and development programmes is essential for achieving the scale of impact that these challenges demand. With this concern in mind, the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) convened a dialogue among initiatives active in climate and development to explore how to strengthen synergies and collective action. This report covers highlights from the event, held on April 1st, 2015 at the Goodenough College in London, UK.
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    Vulnerability to climate change in three hot spots in Africa and Asia : key issues for policy-relevant adaptation and resilience-building research
    (Springer, 2015) De Souza, Ken; Kituyi, Evans; Harvey, Blane; Leone, Michele; Subrammanyam Murali, Kallur; Ford, James D.
    In this journal editorial, Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) hot spot regions are identified and defined along with CARIAA’s collaborative and transdisciplinary approach to adaptation research, providing a framework for the studies included in this special issue. “Hot spots” include semiarid regions and deltas of Africa and Asia, and glacier- and snowpack-dependent river basins of South Asia. The seven papers gathered in this special issue focus on these three high-risk climate change hot spots provide a multi-disciplinary perspective on the state of knowledge of climate change adaptation and resilience.
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    Systematic review approaches for climate change adaptation research
    (Springer, 2015-02) Berrang-Ford, Lea; Pearce, Tristan; Ford, James
    This review focuses on the unique challenges of integrating multiple data sources and formats in reviewing climate change adaptation policy and practices, while highlighting innovative applications of systematic approaches. It presents guidelines, key considerations, and recommendations for systematic review in the social sciences in general, and climate change adaptation research in particular. Broadly defined, a systematic review is a focused review of literature that seeks to answer a specific research question using pre-defined eligibility criteria for documents, and explicitly outlined and reproducible methods. The review concludes by calling for increased conceptual and methodological development of systematic review approaches.
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    Review of the biophysical impacts of climate change in three hotspot regions in Africa and Asia
    (Springer, 2015-01) Kilroy, Garrett
    This systematic review identifies the nature and extent of biophysical impacts from climate change in three hotspot regions, examining their relative significance, and identifying key knowledge and information gaps to guide future research needs and support adaptation planning. Information gaps common to all regions include a lack of observation data and poor hydro-meteorological monitoring networks. Shared knowledge gaps include climate impacts to groundwater and uncertainty in climate projections, especially for precipitation. Systematic reviews, long employed in the medical sciences, are increasingly being used to address global environmental change-related research questions. In total 139 peer-reviewed articles are reviewed and discussed.
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    Social vulnerability in three high-poverty climate change hot spots : what does the climate change literature tell us?
    (Springer, 2014-11) Tucker, Josephine; Daoud, Mona; Oates, Naomi; Few, Roger; Conway, Declan; Mtisi, Sobona; Matheson, Shirley
    Adaptation research must recognize the close links between poverty and vulnerability. The three hot spots are all characterized by high levels of natural resource dependence, with increasing environmental degradation. This review is based on analysis of 87 high-quality articles, focusing on literature which self-identifies as research related to climate variability and change, with the aim of exploring how social vulnerability is understood by climate change and adaptation communities. Although the vulnerability of low-income populations is often ascribed simply to poverty, "it is far more the result of government failures and limitations" creating disabling environments for adaptation.
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    Climate change adaptation : linking assessments with actions
    (Sameeksha Trust, 2014-11) Patra, Jyotiraj
    Climate change vulnerability assessments as well as adaptation actions in India are on the rise. Ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness of these actions is essential to tackle the uncertainties and complexities. This article suggests ways to enhance real time and proactive linkages between vulnerability assessments and adaptation action.
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    Lancement de l'IRCAAA à Londres : rapport de l'événement
    (Initiative de recherche concertée sur l'adaptation en Afrique et en Asie (IRCAAA), CRDI, Ottawa, ON, CA, 2014-10) CRDI. Initiative de recherche concertée sur l'adaptation en Afrique et en Asie (IRCAAA)