Mountain Areas / Zones montagneuses

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    Analysing the cost of adapting to climate change
    (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2012-05) Fisher, Suzanne
    How do you estimate the cost of adaptation to climate change on vulnerable communities, where stakeholders are involved in identifying costs and benefits? Project benefits – and the importance of those benefits – are different depending on which stakeholders you ask. ‘Stakeholders’ is NGO jargon for all the groups impacted by the climate change adaptation projects being studied, such as the national or local government, the local community (including local farmers), and the private sector. A workshop looks at approaches to cost benefit analysis, where classic analysis doesn’t account for non-monetary benefits.
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    Stakeholder-focused cost-benefit analysis in the water sector : guidance report
    (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, GB, 2013-01) Chambwera, Muyeye; Baulcomb, Corinne; Lunduka, Rodney; de Bresser, Laura; Chaudhury, Abrar
    These guidelines are intended to show how economic tools can be used for a stakeholder-focused approach to planning and evaluating adaptation to climate change. Using cost-benefit analysis (CBA) as an overall framework, this guidance document presents the basic steps of an approach that enriches traditional economic analysis by focusing on stakeholders in the water sector. The case studies, all located in areas facing the impact of climate change in the water sector, used stakeholder approaches to undertake economic analyses of adapting to climate change. Outcomes will be determined by specific needs, which will vary from one setting to another.
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    Stakeholder-focused cost-benefit analysis in the water sector : synthesis report
    (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, GB, 2013-01) Lunduka, Rodney; Bezabih, Mintewab; Chaudhury, Abrar
    Five case studies from representative low- and middle-income countries (Bolivia, Morocco, Malawi, Bangladesh, and Nepal) were selected to pilot the approach of stakeholder identification and prioritization of adaptation strategies. All studies generated evidence on cost benefits of adaptation. Non-monetary benefits are highly significant, particularly for local households and the environment. For instance, more than 50 per cent of water saved by switching to drip irrigation in Morocco will increase long-term groundwater levels; while incorporating soil and water conservation technologies into irrigation in Malawi benefits fisheries and birds, less siltation in the lake and better long-term yields reduce the need to hunt birds.
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    Economics of climate change in the water sector in Nepal : a stakeholder-focused approach; a case study of the Rupa Watershed, Kaski, Nepal
    (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, GB, 2012-03) Dhakal, Arjun; Dixit, Ajaya
    Nepal’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) shows the watershed area is vulnerable to climate change, with landslides a particular concern. The region in general has experienced increased temperatures and erratic and intense rainfall. The main objective of the study was to explore the options for managing Rupa Lake even under the extreme conditions of climate change, through implementing adaptation measures as chosen by local stakeholders. Two options were presented for cost-benefit analyses: construction of gabion check dams in the river, and construction of an earth-fill dam in the lake. The Rupa Watershed is typical of mountain ecosystems.
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    Multi-stakeholder cost-benefit analysis of climate change adaptation measures and options : the case of urban water provision in the context of melting glaciers in Bolivia
    (International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, GB, 2012-03) Gonzales Iwanciw, Javier; Zalles, Heidi; Cabrera, Yesmy
    Despite high levels of uncertainty and complexity, glacier melting is already taking place. The potential impact on water provision for the cities of La Paz and El Alto are well understood. The two options assessed in this study, using the multi-stakeholder cost-benefit analysis (MCBA) methodology are: the construction of a new dam; and efficiency measures in the La Paz / El Alto water delivery system. Findings show that both have a positive net present value (NPV) in financial, social and environmental terms. A major constraint on the water sector in Bolivia is lack of agreement on a new Water Law.
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    Mesures d'adaptation à la variabilité climatique dans les régions de montagne de l'Atacora au Bénin : modélisation bioéconomique des systèmes agraires dans la commune de Natitingou
    (Institut International d’Ingénierie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (Fondation 2iE), 2011) Mondja, Tchomi-Kandi
    Dans un processus de changements climatiques ou la variabilité du régime climatique peut se manifester par des poches de sècheresse et des inondations, il est nécessaire de réfléchir de plus en plus aux stratégies d’adaptation. En effet, on assistera à une baisse de la production agricole et par conséquent des effets négatifs sur l’économie du pays qui en est entièrement tributaire d’une part et le niveau de vie des populations rurales d’autre part. Ainsi, au regard de l’importance accordée à l’eau dans le développement des cultures en agriculture, cette recherche s’est proposée d’analyser l’impact du déficit hydrique sur le revenu agricole des exploitations agricoles dans la commune de Natitingou. Après donc la description des systèmes agraires il s’est agit d’analyser la contrainte hydrique et de voir l’impact de la levée de cette contrainte sur la production et le revenu agricoles. L’étude a utilisé les données empiriques collectées auprès de deux exploitations agricoles. Ces données sont complétées par les données secondaires de sources diverses. Le logiciel GAMS basée sur la programmation linéaire est l’outil qui a servi pour cette étude. Les résultats de cette étude montrent avec la production de tomate pluviale en année climatique très sèche, que l’irrigation de complément est un moyen de sécuriser la production et par conséquent le revenu agricole du paysan.
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    Climate change effects on the livelihoods of Illimani glacier’s communities
    (International Water Association (IWA), 2011) Alurralde, Juan Carlos; Ramirez, Edson; García, Magaly; Villarroel, Elena; Salazar, Danitza; Pacheco, Paula
    Bolivia’s second highest mountain, the Illimani glacier, is a natural water reservoir that regulates water provision for downstream communities. Different adaptation strategies between the upper and lower part of this small area, and the need for dynamic research-action oriented programs are identified as essential. Climate change is already affecting water rights, crop patterns, and upward expanding productive areas in the tropical Andes. The Illimani project studies Illimani’s glacier-dependent area in a physical and socio-productive context to generate participative adaptation strategies to counter some effects of climate change and climate variability.
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    Using remote sensing data for monitoring rock glacier distribution in the Bolivian Andes : implications for water supply
    (2011) Rangecroft, Sally; Anderson, Karen; Harrison, Stephan; Castel, Ana Paola; Pacheco, Paula; Ticehurst, Simon; McGrath, John
    It is now evident that warming in the tropical Andes due to climate change has a measurable impact on ice glaciers, which are known to have receded over the past decades, affecting water supply. Many large cities in the South American Andes are located above 2500m and rely almost entirely on high-altitude water stocks. This research focuses on rock glaciers in the Bolivian Andes. Remote sensing data sources including historic air photos, fine spatial resolution satellite data (IKONOS 5 m resolution), global-extent Digital Elevation Models, and Google Earth, are used to establish a detailed spatial understanding of rock glacier physical characteristics.
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    Enforcing capacity and developing strategies for adaptation to the phenomena of climate change in communities of the Cordillera Real in the Central Andes of Bolivia : executive summary
    (Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, 2012)
    In response to communities that depend on glaciers in Bolivia for water, integrated research is underway to assess and identify social, economic, physical and productive vulnerabilities in the Sajhuaya River Basin in terms of climate change and climate variability. Based on the results of these studies a participatory adaptation strategy has been tailored to the needs of communities, and adaptation actions have been promoted. The study reflected in this Bulletin is intended as a decision-making tool for public policy planning in the region, towards implementing effective actions, and to ensure development in harmony with nature.
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    Mudanças da base tecnológica na produção canavieira do Brasil : um olhar sobre as atuais perspectivas para o mercado de trabalho
    (2010) Goulart Duarte, Fernanda; Tourrand, Jean François; Goulart Duarte, Laura Maria
    Considerando a abertura de mercado para a exportação do etanol brasileiro, dentre outros fatores, a estrutura do setor sucroalcooleiro vem se modificando, notadamente pelo aumento do processo de concentração da produção; pela mecanização do corte e plantio da cana-de-açúcar e pela utilização de novas tecnologias. Dentre as discussões sobre a expansão desse setor destaca-se os impactos causados pela mudança tecnológica no mercado de trabalho. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral desse estudo foi analisar as atuais perspectivas para o mercado de trabalho no setor canavieiro do Brasil, considerando as novas dinâmicas advindas com a modernização tecnológica. Algumas alternativas vêm sendo debatidas com vistas a evitar uma catástrofe social advinda da supressão de empregos no setor. Uma delas seria a venda, no mercado de carbono, do percentual de seqüestro de carbono proporcionado pela colheita mecanizada, de forma a proporcionar a aposentadoria ou a capacitação dos trabalhadores canavieiros para outras atividades.
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    Water subsidies from mountains to deserts : their role in sustaining groundwater-fed oases in a sandy landscape
    (Ecological Society of America, Ithaca, NY, US, 2011) Jobbágy, E.G.; Nosetto, M.D.; Villagra, P.E.; Jackson, R.B.
    The study indicates a reliance of ecosystem productivity on Andean snowmelt, which is increasingly being diverted to one of the largest irrigated regions of the continent. Deep soil coring, plant measurements, direct water-table observations, and stable isotopic analyses (2H and 18O) of meteoric, surface, and ground waters, were used to compare woodland stands, bare dunes, and surrounding shrublands. The isotopic composition of phreatic groundwaters closely matched the signature of water brought to the region by the Mendoza River, suggesting that mountain-river infiltration, rather than in situ rainfall deep drainage was the dominant mechanism of groundwater recharge.
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    Manejo de desastres de origen meteorológico y cambio climático en los Andes del Perú : proyecto MAREMEX Mantaro
    (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), Panama, PA, 2009) Martinez, A.